Astrology hubs

What are Astrology “Hubs”??

“Hubs” or coaching circles are a great way to use astrology to change your life. Exclusive subscription options coming soon!

Empathy Hubs - Ashamed Lajjita Avastha

Would you like to join a '“hub” or coaching circle with others who share the same Ashamed Lajjitaadi Avastha as you? Learn how to recover the lost power of your banished self. Register your interest now.

Ascendant Hubs

Would you like to join a “hub” or coaching circle with others who share your rising sign? Learn how love, finance, loss and more are unique to your ascendant group. Register your interest now.

Debilitated Planet Hubs

Would you like to join a “hub” or coaching circle with others who share the same debilitated planet as you? Learn how this planet affects you and others depending on its placement. Share, learn, create strategies and report back building a community of strength. Register your interest now.