Episode 22 - Astrology and Music Panel Discussion

This episode marks the final of the first season of The Vedic Astrology Podcast (we launched 4 July 2021!!) and the timing got me thinking about all the many and varied topics we've covered this year.  What better way to mark the end of the first cycle, than with a panel discussion reflecting back on one of our previous episodes "Episode 6 - The Birth Chart as a Symphony Score".  Join Catherine Stockwell, Denise Ngo and Desi Hristova (https://www.desiastrology.com/) and me as we talk harmony, timing, Nada Yoga, Aquarius, Saturn, Mula Chakra and much more!
I hope you enjoy this episode and look forward to seeing you in Season 2!!!

Join me at https://www.patreon.com/fionamarques to keep the conversation going - I can't wait to hear your take on the latest episode.  Thanks for your support!


S2 Ep1 - Astronomy and Vedic Astrology Coevolution


Episode 21 - Prosperity and Annihilation: Life-coaching levers as outlined by Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra