S3 Episode 4 - Luck, Strife and How to Calculate the Auspicious Punya Saham

Decoding Luck, Strife, and Deception with Vedic Astrology: The Case of Sam Bankman-Fried

The fascinating world of Vedic Astrology holds extensive possibilities, allowing us to dig deep into narratives scripted in the starry night sky. In today's episode of the Vedic Astrology Podcast, we step into the sphere of luck, strife, and the art of calculating the 'Punya Saham.'  

Our focus is directed to a particular individual who recently made headlines—Sam Bankman Fried. In a meteoric rise and fall, Sam's story unfurls like a complex weave of cosmic threads, giving us a chance to plunge into themes of wealth, fraud, and the underlying role of Varshaphal or Solar Returns in Vedic Astrology.

The Complex Tapestry of The Astrological Aspects 

Sam Bankman Fried’s chart presents an intriguing medley of astrological aspects. His Taurus ascendant imbued him with a knack for making money, with Jupiter’s placement in the 5th house of his chart fostering growth and expansion. Meanwhile, Mars, Saturn—two powerful malefics— were found in his 10th house, hinting a potential struggle with fame, authority, and enemies. Sam's struggle with regulation and ethical business conduct, evident from his recent fraud conviction, finds echo in these celestial patterns.

In the realm of Bhava Yogas (combinations related to houses), Sam's chart witnessed a whirl of happenings—one notable feature being 1st and 6th lord, Venus in Saturn's sign, the 10th House of Aquarius, conjunct malefics Saturn and Mars, suggesting enemies abound in this sign of social networks and technology. Moreover, the Punya Saham (auspicious point) for 2022 fell in Scorpio—the sign of Sam's progressed Ascendant, underscoring the volatility of his affairs during this time.

Sahams—Instruments of Fate

Meaning 'share' or 'part' and resembling an arrow aimed at a very small target, Sahams are calculated points in a Varshaphal chart, crucial in foretelling immense strife or prosperity. Interestingly, in Sam’s 2022 Varshaphal, the Strife, Poverty, Forgiveness, and Sorrow Sahams all coincided in his Muntha sign of Scorpio, making it a hotbed of both trials and triumphs. 

Gateway to Understanding The Fruits of The Year

Mastering the science of Varshaphal gives us an advanced layer of understanding to predict what the upcoming year brings—an insight that could have forewarned Sam of the dramatic downturn his life took recently. The way very specific Sahams in the 2022 Varshaphal land in the same sign, irrespective of varying calculations, underscores the importance of analyzing these astrological patterns. 

As astrologers and enthusiasts, we must remember, the prime aim is not merely to predict events but to provide an overall perspective on life’s potential paths and turning points. A comprehensive study of the Birth Chart and Varshaphal reveals the fascinating symphony of celestial bodies that govern our stories.

It's crucial to remember that overlooking the significance of truth and ethical conduct can blur our perception of reality, leading us astray from our moral compass— a truth so succinctly mirrored in Sam’s dramatic tale.

Want more? 

If you want to dig deeper into Varshaphal, I recommend Laura Barat's excellent Varshaphal course and you can also come to AstroliJam on Nov 30, 2023 where we will be looking at Sam Bankman Fried’s chart and even complete your own Varshaphal  "Solar-Word-of-the-Year" Workbook from fionamarques.com/shop or by booking time with me.


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